In this section of our website Experts by Experience will be sharing their lived experience. Check back regularly to see the latest from our experts. 

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PXL_20230228_134259917.jpgOver 70 professionals came together during Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2023 to learn more about identifying, diagnosing eating disorders and to hear feedback directly from EmpowerED Experts by Experience. 

EmpowerED Experts by Experience India, Molly and Ruth, discussed their experiences and what they think clinicians can be doing to improve their communication style and transitions between CAMHS and Adult Mental Health.

Read more here. 

Expert by Experience - Ruth .pngI am more than my diagnosis. I am more than my appearance. I am EmpowerED.

Ruth, an Expert by Experience from the EmpowerED Forum, has written a powerful first-hand account about her experience with eating disorders, the challenges she has faced, and joining the EmpowerED forum.

Ruth said: “For most of my life, I have never really felt truly empowered. From a very young age, I knew that I was “wrong”. Whether it be doctors, my family, or my peers – there was always something to be said about my body and my appearance that cemented early on in my mind that I needed to fix it.

“Thus began a lifelong dive into crash diets, restriction, bingeing, and a never-ending fear of food. Internally, I took on the negative voices I was hearing all around me until I could no longer distinguish between them and me. I became my biggest critic, my cruellest bully, and a harsh judge – handing down sentences to myself that were impossible to fulfil.

“EmpowerED has put the reins in my hands, it’s taught me that our stories and experiences are valid. More than valid, they have the ability to influence real change. I am more than my diagnosis. I am more than my appearance. I am EmpowerED.”

Read the full article here. 

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For Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2023, an Expert by Experience who wanted to remain anonymous has shared his experience. 

"I don't think that my experiences are atypical and I struggle with the fact that the services that are available are primarily designed with girls/women as their client group.

"I never truly received any help for my eating disorder and I'm not sure that I would have wanted to engage with that because at the time it had a very important function for me and I wasn't ready to give it up.

"That is looking back with hindsight, however if I had been given a proper opportunity maybe when I was younger, my life would have turned out differently."

Read the full article here. 

Meet EmpowerED Expert by Experience, Nicola

Watch our first interview with Expert by Experience Nicola, and Duncan Campbell Head of Clinical Care, EmpowerED as they discuss the Provider Collaborative and their ambition for getting involved.

Expert by Experience - Emily and Mandy .pngMeet EmpowerED Expert by Experience, Mandy  

Mandy is a member of the EmpowerED Forum who bravely shares an insight into the life of a parent/carer. 

To read the full article please click here.